Mouth, Mind, Body Health & Wellness
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Mouth, Mind, Body Health & Wellness
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Dental Paradigm Leadership Program™
The most expensive & dangerous phrase is...
"We've always done it this way".
Let me ask you some questions...
- Do you need to re-evaluate how to make success happen in your dental practice?
- Does your practice need help on a practical day-to-day basis?
- Does your team need fresh ideas for overcoming limitations that can contribute to practice success?
- Would having a coach with a much broader perspective and mental clarity help you and your dental practice be in a better position than where you currently are?
You don't build a business,
you build people and then the people build the business
Leadership Coaching for the Dental Team
Ever feel like you are doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results from your team?
This is very common in our industry, and the way to get ahead is through Executive Leadership Coaching for your team. I have over 26 years experience working in dental practices, so I know what works and what doesn't. The problem is, NO ONE is addressing the right places within the office that needs actual change.
In my Dental Paradigm Leadership Program™, for dental offices, we address the most overlooked area that is causing you and your team OVERWHELM, STRESS and LOSS OF MONEY... and this has nothing to do with finding ways of meeting higher production goals like every other consultants plan, but will cure all the issues that sit at the deepest most innermost workings of your practice.
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress,
working together is success!
Purpose & Results
of Dental Paradigm Leadership Program
dental practices to the underlying truths of business success and lead them to achievement
your business brand & Golden Standards which empower employees and provide exceptional patient experiences, which create more referrals and higher profits
employees into leaders which create positive experiences and outcomes for patients and the dental practice
relationships and communication between the team and with your community of patients
Patients don't buy your goods & services,
they buy relationships with you & your team!
Dental Paradigm Leadership Program™
What's Included...
Career Management & Distinction
for the Team
Employee Empowerment is critical to achieving positive experiences & outcomes for your patients.
Creating Leaders & Your Brand
Brand Development
Creating a reputation that produces loyal consumers and generates greater profits.
Defining Office Culture in Your Business
Mission, Purpose, Values, Relationships
Creating Your Practice's Golden Standards
Implementing S.C.A.L.E. Method™
Improving Patient Communication
& Treatment Agreements
6 Months Leadership Coaching
2 Hour Weekly Coaching (24 coaching sessions),
Conflict Resolution,
Problem Solving, 6 Support Calls
Personalized Binder for your Business
All your team and business information in one location created for you!
Dental Paradigm Leadership Program™
Payment Plan #1
2 Payment Installments
$3200.00 Paid 1st and 3rd month
Payment Plan #2
Paid 1st month
Coaching Options
If you live in the Prescott, AZ Quad cities then in person consulting is the option for you and your dental team! Arrangements can be made for dental practices in other cities within Arizona.
If your dental practice is in another state, then all sessions will be held via Zoom video meetings.
~ currently closed ~
Leadership Coaching is Limited to a few Dental Practices per year. Please fill out the info below for the next availability. Thank You.
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