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Reiki for Dental Professionals
Saturday September 14, 2024 9:15-10:00am MST
Reiki is a healing process of the subtle bodies, both physical and energetic. In dentistry, you can use Reiki for your patients, and yourself, and even your operatory!
Register and join Tara, RDH and Reiki Master, in this FREE class and learn how you may benefit from inviting Reiki into your life.
This free class will be offering a chance for dental professionals to register for the upcoming Reiki for Dental Professionals program for those who wish to learn more about incorporating Reiki into your career, or starting your own Reiki business outside of dentistry.
Once you register, you will receive the ZOOM link in your email a day before the class.
"Reiki has changed my life and opened doors to paths I didn't know existed before! Let me show you the shifts."
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Event time zone:America/Phoenix GMT-07:00